on the increase 意味

発音を聞く:   on the increaseの例文
  • (次第{しだい}に)増えて、増加中{ぞうか ちゅう}で、増加傾向で、漸増傾向で◆【対】on the decrease
    Influenza is on the increase this time of the year. インフルエンザは一年のこの時期に流行る。
    Sales of UNIX-based publishing workstations and servers are also on the increase. UNIX ベースのパブリッシング+もっと...


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. a little bit on the increase later in the decade .
  2. and certain kinds of cancers , are on the increase
  3. in the first place , the japanese army and the seiyukai were seeking a compromise on the increase of two army divisions .
  4. the population from 1873 to 1919 have been calculated based on the increase and decrease in relation to the jinshin-koseki .
  5. before long , however , kageyushi was recreated in 824 because the number of disputes associated with the change of kokushi was on the increase .


        increase:     1increase n. 増加. 【動詞+】 What has caused the increase in crime? 犯罪の増加の原因は何か check any further increase of the population 人口がこれ以上ふえないようにする The strikers demand a 20 percent increase i
        to increase:    to increase 殖やす 増やす ふやす 上げる あげる 嵩む かさむ 加える くわえる 加わる くわわる 増える 殖える ふえる 付く つく 増す ます
        with the increase of:    ~の増加{ぞうか}を受けて
        abnormal increase:    異常増加{いじょう ぞうか}
        abrupt increase:    急激{きゅうげき}な上昇{じょうしょう}
        activation increase:    活性上昇{かっせい じょうしょう}
        actual increase:    実数{じっすう}の増加{ぞうか}、実質的{じっしつてき}な増加{ぞうか}
        amount of increase:    増加額{ぞうかがく}
        another increase:    続伸{ぞくしん}
        at no increase in price:    価格{かかく}を上げないで
        calcium increase:    カルシウム増加{ぞうか}
        capacity increase:    能力{のうりょく}アップ
        capital increase:    増資(額){ぞうし がく(がく)}、資本増加(額)
        conspicuous increase:    顕著{けんちょ}な[明らかな]増加{ぞうか}
        continue to increase:    増え続ける


  1. "on the impulse of a moment" 意味
  2. "on the impulse of curiosity" 意味
  3. "on the impulse of the moment" 意味
  4. "on the impulse on the moment" 意味
  5. "on the in-coming nine" 意味
  6. "on the individual level" 意味
  7. "on the inferior surface of" 意味
  8. "on the inflation front" 意味
  9. "on the initiative of" 意味
  10. "on the impulse on the moment" 意味
  11. "on the in-coming nine" 意味
  12. "on the individual level" 意味
  13. "on the inferior surface of" 意味

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